




南京大学, 计算数学与应用软件, 学士

南京大学, 基础数学, 硕士

南京师范大学, 基础数学, 博士


(1) 2015.09-2015.10, 美国威廉与玛丽学院, 数学系, 访问学者

(2) 2014.08-2014.11, 美国弗吉尼亚大学, 数学系, 访问学者

(3) 2014.01-2014.02, 美国威廉与玛丽学院, 数学系, 访问学者

(4) 2011.10-2011.11, 新加坡国立大学, 数学系, 访问学者

(5) 2004.05-至今, 南通大学, 副教授、教授

(6) 2007.09-2009.09, 东南大学数学博士后流动站, 博士后, 合作导师: 王明新





偏微分方程、微分方程定性理论、泛函分析、Soblev 空间(研究生)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11271209,用小波分析乘子空间和非线性量的微局部 结构,2013/01-2016/12,60 万元,已结题,参加

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11071049,反应扩散捕食模型的平衡解及相关问题, 2011/01-2013/12,25 万元,已结题,参加

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,10571087,地球科学和物理中的非线性偏微分方程方程的动力学,2006/01-2008/12,24 万元,已结题,参加


(1) Yujuan Chen and Mingxin Wang, Boundary blow-up solutions for p-Laplacianelliptic equations of Logistic type, Proc. Royal Soc. Edingburg, 142A(2012) 691-714

(2) Hongliang Wang, Yujuan Chen, Haihua Lu,Blow-up results for some reaction-diffusion equations with time delay,Ann. Polon. Math.,105.1 (2012) 21-29

(3) Yujuan Chen and Mingxin Wang, Boundary blow-up solutions of p-Laplacianelliptic equations with a weakly superlinear nonlinearity,Nonlinear Anal. Series B:

RWA 14 (2013) 1527–1535

(4) Yujuan Chen, Juan Wang, Haixing Zhang,Extinction for a couple of fast diffusionsystems with nonlinear sources,Nonlinear Anal. Series B: RWA 14 (2013) 1931–1937

(5) Yujuan Chen, Peter Y. H. Pang and Mingxin Wang, Blow-up rates and uniqueness

of large solutions for elliptic equations with nonlinear gradient termand singular or degenerate weights,manuscripta math. 141 (2013) 171–193

(6) Li Chen, Yujuan Chen and Dang Luo, Boundary blow-up solutions for a cooperative system involving p-Laplacian,Ann. Polon. Math. 109 (2013), 297-310. (7) Yujuan Chen, Yueping Zhu, Ruiya Hao,Large solutions with a power nonlinearity given by a variable exponent for p-Laplacian equations, Nonlinear Analysis 110 (2014) 130–140

(8) MingxinWang, Peter Y. H. Pang, Yujuan Chen,Initial and boundary blow-upproblem for p-Laplacian parabolic equation with general absorption, J Dyn Diff Equat (2016) 28:253–279

(9) Haixing Zhang, Yujuan Chen, Extinction for the super diffusion equation with a nonlocal absorption and a gradient source, Applied Mathematics Letters, 61 (2016) 163–166

(10) Yujuan Chen, Boundary behavior for the Large viscosity solutions to equations involving the infinity-Laplacian, Applicable Analysis,96(12)(2016):1-10

(11) YujuanChena, YuepingZhu, Blow-up results for evolution problems with inhomogeneous nonlocal diffusion,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 444 (2016) 452–463(12) (120 Yujuan Chen, Dynamics of prey-predator -species models with density dependent diffusion,Comput. Math. App., 72(6), (2016)1727-1742

(13) Yujuan Chen and Li Chen, Existence, uniqueness, and blow-up rate of large solutions to equations involving the ∞-Laplacian on the half line, Math. method. appl. sci., 2017, 40(12)DOI: 10.1002/mma.4327

(14) Qi Qi, Yujuan Chen and Qingshan Wang,Blow-up phenomena for a pseudo-parabolic system with variable exponents,Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2017, No. 36, 1–9; doi: 10.14232/ejqtde.2017.1.36

(15) Haihua Lu, YujuanChen, JingqiuYu,Analysis on a coupled parabolic systemwithfree boundary,J. Math. Anal. Appl. 468(2018) 436–460

(16) Yujuan Chen, Yueping Zhu, Effect of harvesting quota and protection zone inanonlocal dispersal reaction–diffusion equation,Nonlinear Anal. Series B: RWA45 (2019) 854–865